The only problem is that my computer wants to dare me to fight as usual. After I understood more or less how to post my messages, things turned to be more difficult: the ADSL connection started working badly. That’s why I couldn’t be punctual in posting my things. But an angel fell from the sky…well, he wasn’t an angel, really, but a technician from the telephone company who repaired everything without asking me too many questions. Now I think I have what I need to win my computer and go on constantly with my e-tivities.
Joking aside, I enjoyed searching for blogs. I knew what they were, but I was not used to visit and read them. I thought they were just a sort of personal diary where people could write about their own life. But this is not true. Blogs are much more: you can find blogs about every kind of topic that comes to your mind. They can be informative and very professional, even if their language is often informal. I started becoming familiar with the etiquette, but I still like simple concise blogs. If they’re too sophisticated or they contain too many things, they turn to be confusing to me. I loved analysing the different kinds of styles people used, because they can tell you more about the writer, since everybody has its own personal way of writing or organizing things.
I had never considered blogs to be a way to learn and improve my English. After two weeks I can say that this new way of working and writing can be helpful and stimulating for many of us. Moreover, it’s going to be a hard work to keep on writing, reading and commenting blogs every week, especially for people like me, who prefer chatting in front of a cup of coffee, watching people directly in the eyes, instead of staying hours and hours in front of a screen. But I will devote myself to blogging, I promise. But at the end of the lesson, can we sit at a café???